Concerned About High Kitchen Ceilings?

At Churchwood Design, we get to work with the homeowners of all types of property, many of which are often period, historic homes. For many kitchen companies, such homes can often present issues due to extreme architectural proportions. These can be differing floor heights, uneven walls, ceiling joists / beams and either low or high ceilings. This issues arise when you are working with ‘standard’ - ‘one size fits all’ cabinet sizes. The wall cabinets can either be ‘too big’ making a cottage kitchen, with a low ceiling, look dark, crowded and closed in OR ‘Ttoo small’ looking lost and out of proportion in Victorian, Edwardian town and farmhouses that often feature tall ceiling heights.

Churchwood Design’s fully bespoke manufacturing service enables us to take into account individual circumstances, not only with regard to kitchen furniture style and taste, but also, architectural proportions. Our cabinetry can be scaled and created to fit specific kitchen space dimensions and this combined with the ability to reflect a homes period style and finish, results in kitchen cabinetry that makes the best use of space whilst perfectly fitting in with the ambiance and character of the home.

Clever design enables Churchwood Design to integrate all modern appliances and requirements so that whilst your kitchen might appear to be part of homes original fabric, the kitchen is up to the demands and requirements of 21st century family life.

To find out more, why not arrange a free consultation?

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